4 min read

Top 8 Best Real Estate Wholesaling Software

Time is money. Leveraging real estate wholesaling software is one of the best ways to elevate your career because it…

  • Automates your business;
  • Systemizes daily operations;
  • Improves your outreach;
  • Structures goals and ambitions; and
  • Tracks completed tasks

Your career depends on your ability to develop lead generation systems to find motivated sellers and potential buyers. Bottom line: the right software can make it easier for you to close more deals every month. But how do you know which software is worth your time and expense?

Here are our recommendations for the top 8 best real estate wholesaling software.

1. REsimpli - Real Estate Investor CRM

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software helps you…

  • Track property information;
  • Separate sellers and buyers into funnels; and
  • Update industry contacts

Better still, it lets you tag individuals based on their behavior. Behavior can be how the contact came to you: was it via your blog? Social media? At a networking event?

REsimpli Real Estate Investor CRM for wholesaling

There are plenty of CRM software to choose from, but we recommend REsimpli. REsimpli has a built-in bookkeeping system just for real estate wholesalers and gives you real-time data, so you can make better decisions and net a higher profit.

REsimpli does NOT require customization. Your entire team can use it simultaneously. Also, its automated task management system pings members of your team via email when there are pending tasks, as you change the status of a lead or property.

2. GoHighLevel for Marketing

GoHighLevel is made by agencies for agencies, but it also has a lower tier for individual accounts, which includes high-level marketing tools. You can use GoHighLevel to…

  • Build a professional website;
  • Capture surveys and other forms;
  • Schedule appointments;
  • Communicate with leads via email;
  • 2-Way SMS text message;
  • Set goals and measure conversions

You’ll be able to organize leads into funnels, and convert them on-demand. It is a great marketing agency software, and to prove its worth, we confess that even we (GoForClose) use it and have clients who use it as their CRM or dispositions account.

3. REISift for Data Management

Do you pull your own data to build a list of motivated seller leads? Takes time, right? And what do you do if you’re not sure about the quality of data? Rather than throw it out, what if you could repurpose it?

REISift lets you, as they put it, “pull more juice from your existing lists,” making the most of your prospects and property records. You can also…

  • Filter records;
  • Skip trace to find numbers;
  • Vacancy check via USPS;
  • List stack; and
  • Clean up data

You can find motivated leads that get left behind and stop chasing bad prospects, thus making every marketing dollar you spend count.

4. Deal Machine

If you’re one of those investors / wholesalers that still relies on old methods like driving-for-dollars and direct mail, then you’ll want to check out Deal Machine. They have an easy-to-use mobile app that lets you look up owners while driving around the neighborhoods. You can also use Deal Machine to…

  • Manage leads;
  • Send direct mail;
  • Engage in SMS; and
  • Track driving-for-dollar routes

We will note, however, that each of its services are priced separately.

5. GoForClose’s Hottest Zip Code Finder

What if you could find the best and most desirable areas in your market for wholesaling with minimal effort? Sounds great, right? Such a tool exists, and it’s our Hottest Zip Code Finder.


This unique and 100% free tool allows you to narrow your search right down to the zip codes where sellers are motivated to sell and cash buyers are buying.

Location matters – don’t you agree? Where you buy is just as important as who you buy from, because you don’t want to waste your time on bad contracts. Our free tool can be used to verify markets, or even expand to new profitable market areas, so you can find the best deals.

6. MailChimp for Email Marketing

Email marketing is essential to your overall marketing campaign because it lets you send sellers and buyers targeted content that they can read at their convenience, thus keeping you front of mind.

MailChimp is a popular email platform that lets you create engaging emails to promote brand awareness and share your content (e.g., blog articles, property listings, or videos). Also, with its Customer Journey Builder, MailChimp allows you to send the right emails at the right time, based on customer behavior and interactions.

7. Smarter Contact for SMS Marketing

Text messaging (or SMS) is still the most effective tool in a real estate marketing campaign, with a 45% response rate and 36% click-through rate. And yet, it’s not as common among real estate investors and wholesalers as you might think. So why not take advantage of it?

Smarter Contact for SMS Marketing and real estate wholesaling

One of the reasons it’s not commonly used is because text blasting rules keep changing in ways that make it more difficult to manage and be successful. You want a platform that can send and receive messages all on its own and still remain compliant to avoid expensive lawsuits. Smarter Contact is an SMS platform that promises to assist you with all aspects of texting. All you have to do is upload your list of contacts, write a few SMS messages, and, with the click of a button, the text messages are sent, saving you hours!

Smarter Contact features include...

  • Ringless voicemail;
  • 2-way SMS messaging;
  • Autoresponders; and
  • CRM integration

A word of caution: when creating sms campaigns, make sure you are compliant. Some states are very aggressive against unsolicited messages, and consumer complaints are being used to set examples in lengthy and costly lawsuits. At GoForClose, we use sms as part of our marketing but also ensure your brand and business are protected.

8. CallTools for Cold Calling

A word of caution: when creating sms campaigns, make sure you are compliant. Some states are very aggressive against unsolicited messages, and consumer complaints are being used to set examples in lengthy and costly lawsuits. In GoForClose, we use sms as part of our marketing but also ensure your brand and business are protected.

Finally, cold calling can be fast, efficient, and effective. You don’t have to sacrifice a whole day calling numbers you searched in the phone book or online. It dials the numbers for you and only passes answered calls to your agents. Additional features include…

  • CRM integration;
  • Interactive voice response; and
  • SMS capabilities

All-in-One Marketing Done for You

As much as we applaud each real estate wholesaling software we’ve mentioned, you’ll still need to find time to train with and become efficient using the software, creating campaigns, and A/B testing to ensure you have the best campaigns and messaging going out and at the right time.

But maybe you’re not a tech person or marketer, and besides, you prefer to focus on sales and closing deals. Or maybe your time is valuable, and you’re trying to move away from the typical 40-hour work week. Whatever the reason, GoForClose is here to help: We can do all your marketing for you at an affordable rate.

Our revolutionary and proprietary software, NextData, is a one-of-a-kind in real estate investing / wholesaling. It builds reliable motivated seller lists, using point list stacking and multi-tiered skip tracing, and perfectly integrates with our marketing software, so we can reach leads via cold calling, SMS, RVM, and email. Our Inside Sales Associates (ISA) answer, call, prequalify, and schedule appointments to your calendar, so you can focus your time on seller leads who want offers.

If you have questions or are curious to know more, request a free consultation below.

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