3 min read

Top 7 Real Estate Investing Marketing Mistakes

Disastrous marketing mistakes can sink your real estate investing business. The problem is you may not be aware of your mistakes till it’s too late.

At GoForClose, we meet with clients every day who wonder why they are not getting leads. The answer is almost always their marketing or lack thereof.

We care about your success, so to save you countless hours and dollars, we’ve compiled a list of the top seven real estate investing marketing mistakes that damage your business.

1. NOT Having a Marketing Campaign in the First Place

It still amazes me how professionals, in any business, can ignore or are simply unaware of the importance of marketing. Content marketing builds brand awareness and increases engagement, sales, and the number of leads.

An effective marketing campaign organizes strategized efforts to promote and sell your service. It reaches audiences in various ways through multiple channels, including text and phone, email, direct mail, and PPC ads. It also comprises your personalized website and social media.

Through marketing, you increase organic lead traffic and expand your network, making your real estate investing business stand out from others.

2. Being Ineffective Online

mobile website and desktop website online marketing

Today’s audiences turn to the web for almost everything. They shop online, search Google reviews, scan social media, and rely on the all-powerful Internet to find the answers to their most pressing questions.

You need a website to increase your credibility. No one trusts a business without a website. It helps homeowners find and learn more about you and discover why they should choose you instead of your competitor, helping them make an informed decision about selling you their house without fear of being scammed.

3. Not Using Social Media

Social media expands your influence, keeps you fresh in lead minds, and makes you more relevant to online customers. Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, YouTube – there are over 3.78 billion social media users who use these channels to stay connected with what matters to them and to learn and be entertained.

The key to social media is diverse content. Rather than advertising all the time, you need to share content that is also informative and educational. This way, you show you are an expert in the industry and can be a resource leads refer to.

4. Targeting the Wrong Audiences

Actually, I could say the mistake here is NOT targeting the right audience. Too often, real estate investors toss content into the online fray without thinking about their customer personas. Rather than talk to everyone, focus your sights on one customer type at a time.

Start with your ideal motivated seller lead type. Identify phases of the lead journey, their pain points and motivations, and how you can inject yourself into the journey as the solution to their problem.

How do you talk to your ideal sellers? Investigate keyword searches, preferred channels, and pinpoint which messages resonate with them.

5. Targeting the Wrong Areas/Markets

Where you target is just as important as who you target. It is a mistake to market to everyone, and another mistake to promote everywhere.

It’s about more than just getting a deal. If you are a wholesaler, you need to get offers quickly from buyers. You don’t want to get contracts and then have no one to buy them or very low spread.  

Focus your marketing efforts on target audiences living in hot cash buyer markets. Not sure how to find them? We got you covered! Use our Hottest Zip Codes Finder tool to find them.

6. Failure to Include a Call-to-Action

A real call-to-action (CTA) can be something simple like, “To get your free offer, call 123-456-7890 or email me at realinvestor@gmail.com.” It does not need to be complicated. It simply ties together your piece: you gave the seller the pitch. Now help them follow through.

This is a common mistake because any one who advertises alone assumes the copy will persuade their audience to come find them. That is not necessarily true. The marketing message catches audience attention, but how do they know what to do next? They don’t know till you tell them.

call-to-action cta

7. Being Unresponsive

After your target audience notices your marketing and starts responding, you need to be on the ball to answer them back in a timely manner. This includes social media comments and messages, phone calls, SMS messages, emails, and form submissions. It’s a lot of work, and most investors hire themselves a marketing and/or sales team to manage responses on their behalf.

GoForClose Does Your Marketing for You

GoForClose is the only all-inclusive marketing agency in the real estate investing industry. What does that mean? It means we:

  • Research and find the leads through outbound and inbound methods;
  • Market to them through their preferred channels; and
  • Nurture and transfer them to you when they are ready to sell.

We do it all, so that you can focus on sales and closing deals. No mistakes. No worries.

If you have questions or are curious to know more, request a free consultation.

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