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How Ringless Voicemail (RVM) Can Help Real Estate Wholesalers

Ringless voicemail (RVM) is a marketing tool you want in your arsenal of tactics. It lets you drop a recorded voicemail message directly to a lead’s phone inbox without ringing the line and disturbing them.

What’s the big deal? Well, when was the last time you answered a call from a number you didn’t recognize? More often than not, you let it roll over to voicemail, right?

Skip the call and just send the message. In fact, RVM can achieve a callback rate of 20% from unresponsive leads when it’s done right. In real estate investing, callbacks are an opportunity to prequalify leads and add property opportunities to your portfolio.

What are the Benefits of Ringless Voicemail?

Ringless voicemails are fast, efficient, and cost-effective, and have several benefits:

  • High deliverability: 94% and can reach a high volume of leads at the same time.
  • Longer mobile pitches: most people carry their mobile with them everywhere, so targeting it makes sense, which is why texting is so popular. However, when doing cold outreaches, you need to keep the SMS around 30 words. Most voicemail inboxes allow for 3-minute long messages; that’s about 390 words, which is more than enough for an introduction, hit the high points, and close with a callback request.
  • Voice to text: 85% of Americans have a smartphone (Pew Research) that comes with the ability to transcript the voice message, giving the recipient the option to listen or read.

How Real Estate Wholesalers Can Leverage the Power of Ringless Voicemails

You have two audiences: the seller leads and your cash buyers, each with their own funnel and specific messages. Here are some of the basic RVM messages you need:

Voicemail Messages to Seller leads

The Pitch: pitch to a homeowner your offer to assess potential interest and readiness to sell

Cold Follow-up: designed to re-engage or remain top of mind with cold leads

After Offer, Cold Follow-up: you sent the offer and, after a few attempts to connect, they are unresponsive. It’s time to go on auto with RVM and send messages, saying you are willing to negotiate but be vague enough to not go over your maximum allowable offer (MAO)

older woman on phone for ringless voice message

Ringless Voicemails to Investor Cash Buyers

cash buyer listening to ringless voicemail

To Increase Buyers List: establish yourself with investor buyers by dropping a message that (1) introduces who you are, (2) summarizes your portfolio and niches, and (3) promotes success stories.

Sell Property: a notification type of RVM that you can send to all pertinent cash buyers about a new property that matches their specs, telling them to look at details and photos on your website or call you directly

IMPORTANT: RVM success depends on personalization of your messages. Do not send the same voicemail to a hundred homeowners. The messages should be segmented based on motivation and their readiness to sell.

The same applies when reaching out to investors. The messages should match their requirements, wants and needs. If you only have a handful of cash buyers, you can send voicemail messages to each, making sure to say their names and details specific to them.

RVM is only as effective as you make it. Details matter; make it too generic, and it won’t be effective. You can use our tips to leverage ringless voicemail, but if you do not verify names, numbers, and addresses, you cannot guarantee your message will get to the right person.

GoForClose Targets Thousands in Seconds with RVM

Ringless voicemail is a tactic we use in our marketing campaigns to reach thousands of leads at a low cost. It’s also an effective means of retargeting and re-engaging leads without wasting time, and lets us start up a conversation again with would-be sellers.

We achieve some of the highest conversion and response rates with RVM compared to other providers. We use data to find motivated sellers and multi-tiered skip tracing to ensure message deliverability. Our messages are hard to ignore. Once a lead responds, your dedicated Inside Sales Associate (ISA) answers the lead and nurtures them if they are “Not Ready” to sell yet, or prequalifies if they are “Ready,” and schedules appointments on your calendar.

If you have questions or are curious to know more, request a free consultation below.

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