3 min read

8 Email Marketing Must Do's for Real Estate Investors

Email is a viable option to build relationships with prospects because it lets you speak to them directly, in their inbox, at a time that is convenient for them.

Email marketing continues to generate high ROI, in particular when combined with other channels. It gives you the broadest reach and is a must-have in your marketing strategy. Here are eight tips to help you build a better email campaign.

Tip #1: Build a List, Target Recipients

Collecting email addresses can be difficult. You can obtain them via skip tracing, but you still need to verify them using email verification tools or special forms. Other ways to increase your list include asking leads, who you call, for their email, or offering subscriptions through your website and social media.

Once you have your list, personalize each email. Address recipients by name and reference their geographic location and motivation factors.

GoForClose verifies emails to ensure high deliverability. We also segment emails using seller personas based on their motivations to sell and where they are in the seller’s journey. This way, we send the right messages to the right people at the right time.

Tip #2: Be Real, Be Genuine

email notification on cell phone email marketing tips

People tend to shy away from emails from people they do not know. Forgo the faceless marketing drone, and write each email as a real person - not as a salesperson, and show that you care and that you are interested in a conversation.

We tailor emails to create an experience that feels like having a one-on-one conversation with the lead. Our Internal Sales Associates (ISA) monitor emails and take over when the conversation requires a live person.

Tip #3: Write a Compelling Subject Line

A good subject line makes the difference between a lead opening an email or ignoring it. The subject line must grab attention, be honest and tell the truth. Hot-button words or phrases like “make money” or “earn cash” should be avoided.

Tip #4: Use a Simple Layout

Do you get sales emails? They tend to be flashy, loud, and almost obnoxious. You do not want your emails to confuse or turn off recipients.

Avoid flashy graphics, huge fonts, and other showy items. Use a clean, simple layout that looks professional and is easy to navigate.

Tip #5: Keep It Short

Too much copy is grueling, even mind-numbing to read over. Most recipients are short on time and attention, and if the objective is not clear, they will delete the message.

Use short paragraphs and a small economy of language, so customers can pinpoint what you’re saying and make a fast decision. If you want to expand your message, opt to link to a landing page on your website.

GoForClose designs emails that speak to the lead’s motivation to sell. Our emails are also triggered by user behavior, using the correct tone and message to match where they are in their selling journey and conversation.

Tip #6: Avoid the SPAM Folder

The best way to prevent emails from going to SPAM is to get recipients to opt into your email campaign. Otherwise, when you write emails, keep in mind spam filters red flag the following:

  • All CAPS;
  • Too many exclamation marks;
  • Hyperbolic phrases (e.g., "ACT NOW OR MISS OUT ON A GREAT DEAL!!!"); and
  • Poorly formatted HTML links.

empty inbox avoid the spam folder

Every spam filter is different, and if you want to know more about how to avoid them, you can peruse this guide by MailChimp.

Tip #7: Make Your Emails Mobile-Friendly

66% of viewed emails are opened on a smartphone or tablet. For this reason, you must optimize your emails for viewing on mobile devices.

GoForClose uses software to preview emails on mobile screens. This way, we keep messages concise, monitor subject line length and pre-header text, test images and CTA buttons, and still leave plenty of clicking room.

Tip #8: Track Email Efficiency

The most nerve-wracking part of an email campaign is wondering if your messages were opened or delivered. Some email tools allow you to track open rates, click-through rates, and performance by date and time. Using Google Analytics, you can also tag emails with custom campaign tracking to show how well your emails drive traffic to your website.

GoForClose tracks email performance for each individual piece and as part of the multichannel campaign. Our Content Developer also optimizes email campaigns for tone and efficiency, and A/B tests subject lines, body texts, and calls to action.

We integrate email marketing into multichannel campaigns that include SMS, cold calling, and direct mail. This way, we can reach leads in their preferred channels and schedule appointments with you or your lead manager.

If you have questions or are curious to know more, request a free consultation below.

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