Success in real estate investing and wholesaling comes down to three things: (1) finding motivated seller leads, (2) marketing, and (3) sales closing techniques. A motivated seller is a homeowner who needs (but not necessarily wants) to sell their property and is most likely to sell to an investor.

Think about it: why waste your time trying to convince less motivated sellers that selling to you is a good deal? Would it not be better to own an exclusive list of motivated seller leads (in your market), with verified numbers, who meet your requirements?

Well, that’s exactly what we’re offering with our brand new NextData by GoForClose!

What is NextData?

NextData is our list management system. It supports a lead scoring model, based on property and owner characteristics, and skip traces through multiple providers. Data is prioritized to find motivated seller leads in your market, with a high probability of getting the right numbers for those leads.

Our motivated homeowner lists are market exclusive, which means one list per investor per market. It’s first come, first serve, thereby preserving the value of the lists.

Why is NextData A Revolution in Real Estate Investing?

Right now, NextData is still in its infancy. We launched it a month ago, but we’ve been building it over time, and we’ll continue to upgrade and improve its capabilities, so that our real estate investing / wholesaling clients continue to receive reliable lists for their markets.

NextData is innovative in list building. It has three key features that make it stand out in today’s Real Estate Investing marketing industry as an essential and effective tool of the trade.

1. Point List Stacking System

We can work with client-provided lists, if preferred, plugging them into the system, and NextData will list stack, cross-referencing and pinpointing motivated sellers based on its scoring model and what information is available in the client lists.

Our scoring model is a point system. It assigns points to seller leads based on their motivations to sell. Sellers with more points are predicted to be more motivated to sell.

client-provided list plugged into NextData to point list stack

An example: if a homeowner, let’s say his name is Jack Hannigan, is on a list for probate properties, and that property then appears in a list for tax liens, Jack is assigned more points, and therefore has a stronger desire to sell than say Hannah Reid whose probate property has no obligations.

If you do not have lists of your own, we’ll hunt them down for you. NextData tracks down lists sourced by counties, websites, and people – including pre-foreclosure lists, probate lists, water shutoffs, etc. – and loads them into its list stacking system.

2. Skip Tracing Through Multiple Providers

NextData skip traces through one provider at a time, but will support more (simultaneously) with further advancements. We can still guarantee the accuracy of lead information because we are provider agnostic: that is, we are not married to any of the providers.

NextData tracks accuracy statistics by monitoring match rates and number quality. It determines which provider (in a list of providers) has the best match rate, the most accurate numbers, and which number (out of those numbers) is the most accurate per lead.

If a provider gives us a wrong number, NextData goes back to its list and chooses the next provider with the highest accuracy rate. It will go down the list, one provider at a time, till it finds a provider with the right number.

We monitor and compare providers weekly to determine their level of accuracy and update the provider list accordingly.

3. Direct Integration with Marketing Software

NextData directly integrates with GoForClose marketing software

Do you remember the second most important thing in real estate investing and wholesaling success? Answer: it’s marketing.

Finding motivated seller leads is the first step in achieving real estate investing /wholesaling success. But it’s how you market to those leads that determines how well you get their attention, stand out from the competition, and get on the path of success to close the deal.

NextData is directly integrated with our marketing software. Once a lead is verified, real estate investing marketing tasks are automated per programming. Otherwise, all marketing initiatives can be launched at the click of a button by our Inside Sales Associates (ISA).

Other systems that attempt to imitate NextData can only export data, and you have to manually import it into your own marketing system. But with NextData, our systems talk to each other: they communicate, red flag bad numbers, and market to leads automatically. Even better: we do it all for you! We are the one pushing the button to launch an integrative marketing campaign that gets you better deals.

GoForClose Exclusive

NextData is exclusive to GoForClose. It is purpose-built for our type of real estate investing /  wholesaling marketing and the way we score properties. It’s based on Data Management best practices Josh Miller, our CEO and Founder, used when scaling his rental properties. Just to give you some idea of its efficiency, Josh built himself a portfolio with 120 rentals in a little over a year using these best practices.

There is no other system like NextData, and we are the only all-inclusive marketing agency for real estate investors and wholesalers. We find you motivated seller leads and do the marketing for you. Your Inside Sales Associate (ISA) live answers lead responses and nurtures leads till they are “Ready to Sell,” and then provides a warm transfer to you or your sales team to close the deal. This way, you only have to focus on sales techniques and closing deals, giving you back your days and hours.

If you have questions or are curious to know more, request a free consultation below.

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