
What is Campaign Automation

Written by Wayne Hudson | Oct 22, 2020 7:29:17 PM

Let's start with the basics - marketing automation.

Marketing automation is the process of using technology to automate several repetitive and predictable tasks. Time is money, and most people are only awake 16 to 18 hours a day, so enters automation to eliminate never-ending functions that could take hours.

With GoForClose you are going to have a steady flow of leads. It will take many hours to reach and reply to every single new seller lead, and continue to nurture older leads with personalized messages until they are ready to talk about selling.

Yet, to be successful, it is something that has to be done. This is when marketing automation takes over.

What is campaign automation?

Top marketers in all types of businesses are using this technology to save time and stay top of mind, and through GoForClose, you can benefit from the same technology. The difference is that ours is designed exclusively for Real Estate Investing.

Campaign automation is a designed sequence of messages which can use multiple channels. GoForClose has various campaigns. Each campaign creates a well-defined flow and answers a specific need.

Triggers help automate based on the sellers' response or lack of response, moving them in their seller's journey through multiple campaigns. Some of our campaigns last a day with carefully timed messages, some campaigns last a whole year.

Quick follow-up and to stay top of mind is critical. A seller that may not be ready today may be an excellent deal in a few months.

Some examples of what our campaigns and marketing automation can do:

  • Encourage sellers to receive a call or schedule an appointment
  • Reengage with sellers that have gone dark
  • Nurture leads for long periods of time
  • Alert when a seller calls asking for an offer
  • Alert when a seller submits a form asking for an offer
  • Automatically answer to some reoccurring questions
  • Send pre-qualified leads to your Lead Manager and CRM

Through marketing and campaign automation, we can reach and engage a large volume of leads. Of course, a human is still needed when unpredictable requests happen, or it's time to pre-qualify the sellers and send them over for offer negotiation, which is why GoForClose provides specialized Internal Sales Assistants.

No lead gets left behind or unanswered.

If you have questions or are curious to know more, request a free consultation below.