
How to Leverage Ringless Voicemail (RVM)

Written by Wayne Hudson | Apr 15, 2021 9:00:01 AM

Ringless voicemail (RVM) is a growing telecommunications technology that can enhance and further your marketing campaigns. Also known as direct-to-voicemail calling, it lets you record and drop a voicemail directly into a motivated seller’s voicemail box. It is less intrusive and lets the lead listen to your message at a convenient time.

RVM targets thousands of real estate prospects in a short amount of time and has a 92% open rate. Here are seven tips to help you create a successful RVM real estate investing campaign.

Tip #1: Be Aware of Relevant RVM Laws

RVM requires compliance with federal and state laws, plus adherence to the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA). The TCPA prohibits unwanted telemarketing calls to consumers and also applies to text messaging (SMS) and pre-recorded calls.

It is better if you have prior consent to contact leads, but at the very least, scrub your calling lists against the national do-not-call (DNC) registry. Also, what you say in a voicemail is relevant, as it may categorize it differently and have specific regulations.

GoForClose stays aware of all telemarketing laws and regulations. We update all cold calling, SMS, and RVM campaigns, as necessary, and manage a list of “do not contact” and “not interested” leads to ensure no wasted resources.

Tip #2: Build a "Targeted" List of Verified Numbers

Most people do not answer a call from a number they do not recognize. In fact, 67% of calls go straight to voicemail. This is why RVM is effective, but only if your message goes to the right person.

Build a list of targeted leads who are motivated to sell. You can search public records for properties that are in foreclosure, probate, or tax-delinquent.

Once you have a list, use skip tracing to verify addresses and phone numbers. The ROI on RVM is significant if you have a large call list, so gather as many leads as possible.

GoForClose builds a motivated homeowner list unmatched in the industry. Our database has over 150 million properties, and each one has hundreds of data points. These unique data sets are only available through GoForClose and help us identify sellers who haven’t hit the Vacant/Tax-Delinquent/Bankruptcy list yet.

Tip #3: Personalize Your Voicemail Messages

How do you feel when someone leaves you a vague message? What about a generic one, that may or may not apply to you? You tend to delete it, right?

Your chances of a response improve if you personalize each message. Address the homeowner by name, mention their property address and any discrete information.

Tip #4: Record a "Strong, Good" Message

When you record a message, a script can help but do not read it while recording. Instead, practice the script and make it your own with personalized messages. Be discreet with content – do not tell leads how you got their number, or how you know their house situation.

Ditch the sales voice, and be human. Sound strong, confident, and friendly. State your name, why you’re calling, and end with a question, so the lead knows the next steps. Always leave a call-back number. Voicemails should be no more than 30 seconds long.

Our Internal Sales Associates (ISA) have REI training and experience talking with homeowners. They answer the replies of ringless voicemails via SMS or direct call.

Tip #5: Schedule a Good Time to Leave a Message

You want to leave your message at a time that is convenient for the lead to listen and respond to it. Mornings and evenings yield the highest open rates for RVM. The middle of the week is best. Mondays, when everyone returns to work, have the worst response rates, and also avoid calling on the weekends.

Tip #6: Prepare for Callbacks

What do you do when leads call you back? How do you manage an avalanche of calls and messages, and how do you respond to them all in a timely fashion?

Interactive Voice Response (IVR) is a telephone software that fields inbound calls and routes leads to you or the appropriate recipients of your team. It does this based on selections made by voice commands or touching numbers on a phone dial pad. It improves the customer experience, routing callers to optimal persons, and voids common frustrations, like long hold times and dropped calls.

GoForClose receives several hundred calls a day. We use IVR with five response options to field those who qualify to sell. All “I want offer” selections can be routed to your phone or to your Lead Manager.

Tip #7: Follow Up with Your Leads

RVM is not a one-and-done act. It is a step, preferably in a multichannel campaign, to nurture leads till they are ready to sell. By diversifying your toolset with text, email, cold calls, and RVM, you can qualify more motivated sellers faster and more efficiently than if you were to use only one or two channels.

GoForClose uses multiple channels to help in nurture and follow-up campaigns. We reach leads using customer-preferred methods. We A/B test and optimize all campaigns for best results.

Managing a marketing campaign takes time and effort. GoForClose can manage the real estate investing campaigns for you, and send you sellers that meet your needs. This gives you back your time, so you can focus on sales and closing deals.

If you have questions or are curious to know more, request a free consultation below.