
How to Increase Conversions with Targeted Content

Written by Wayne Hudson | Jun 24, 2021 9:00:12 AM

You ask: Why is targeted content important?

I say: Imagine you are a property owner who wants to sell in six months. You want to know your options and wonder if you can sell the house yourself.

Rather than run a Google search for “How to Sell a House,” which is too generic and turns up several hundred thousand results, you search “How to Sell a House FSBO.” Half as many results turn up, and the top-ranking ones appear on the first page.

You click on a result that matches your exact search. You like what you read and think, “this has useful information. I would like to know more.” You then click a link to an article that continues discussing related topics. You feel the people behind the site really understand you, what you want to do, and the problem you need to solve, and this is when you submit a form to talk with someone or receive more content.

Right there! You converted because of targeted content.

What is Targeted Content?

Targeted content is content created for a niche audience. It is relevant to their needs and optimized so it matches their search. It drives a response: in your case, to subscribe, convert, and become a customer.

Targeted content captures and retains customers. It helps them get to know you, what your purpose is, and how you can be of service to them. It shows your value and how you are a trustworthy and knowledgeable resource.

Have you ever searched online and gotten frustrated by content that is not relevant to you? It happens to me all the time. Imagine then how property owners feel when they run a specific search and find nothing.

Targeted content reflects your understanding of the seller’s situation. You understand where they are in their selling journey, and your content gives them what they need every step of the way.

If your content satisfies and pitches you as someone who is trustworthy and has the expertise to help, the seller is more likely to return to learn more and even request an offer on their house.

How to Target Your Content?

You’ve probably heard the phrase “a small fish in a big pond”. Imagine the REI industry as a very big pond with a lot of fish (investors). You want to be a big fish, or at least bigger than your competition.

How do you do this? Content is key. Check out these numbers:

  • 77% of US adults go online daily;
  • 60% of business-to-consumer marketers invest in content marketing; but
  • 60% of individuals find it hard to produce content consistently.

Good content is important, but how good is it if no one can find it?

There is a lot of content out there on the web, but most of it does not engage audiences because it is not targeted at them. You will need a targeted content strategy to produce content that is not lost in cyberspace.

Create a Targeted Content Strategy

You do not need a million customers. You only need enough of the right ones.

The smaller and more focused your audience niche is, the better you can target your content. Here are some tips when developing a targeted content marketing strategy:

Tip #1: Know Your Audience

Rather than target who you want your audience to be, target who they really are. There are several types of property owners, going through different situations. Let’s name a few:

  • FSBO
  • Probate
  • Foreclosure
  • Need Money Fast
  • Relocating
  • Downsizing
  • Landlords

There are plenty more than these, as I am sure you know.

You must know your audience if you are going to speak to them. Otherwise, why should they listen?

Tip #2: Develop Personas

Customer personas are essential to developing targeted content. They depict motivated sellers, including those triggers – emotional and behavioral – that play a part in their decision-making.

Tip #3: Map Content

Sellers move through cycles of Awareness, Evaluation, Decision (to sell their property and ask for an offer), and finally Sale (as in to whom) during their journey.

Your content should cater to each phase and lead sellers to the decision to sell to you. Ask yourself these questions:

  • What route will the seller take to get from Awareness to Sale?
  • What content can I provide for the Awareness stage that will help a seller identify their needs?
  • How can I make their evaluation of my services easier so they choose to sell to me?
  • What do I offer (that my competition does not) that will persuade sellers to close the deal?

Tip #4: Hire a Team

A content strategy is continuous. It is an ongoing practice of planning, developing, publishing, and managing content – in one or more channels.

Content creation and management are a lot of work for one person. Many investors then hire a team to do it for them. This way, the investor can focus on sales and closing deals. But still, you’d have to look in on your team and measure their success. Otherwise, they may produce a lot of content but none of it engages your target audience(s) because it fails to target them.

GoForClose, A Team That Does It All for You, and Then Some

GoForClose is the only all-inclusive marketing agency for real estate investors. We create targeted content that works and get the right message to the right people at the right time. If they are not yet ready, we continue to nurture them along their customer journey, until they feel the motivation to sell within a reasonable timeframe, and we transfer them to you or your sales team.

If you have questions or are curious to know more, request a free consultation below.